Postulez en 2014!

Les candidatures pour la prochaine édition du Prix de la Paix CGLU seront ouvertes le 1/1/2024.


  • Vérifiez votre éligibilité pour postuler au prix ... en 1 minute seulement!

  • The prize is open for award to local governments who either themselves work for peace and conflict resolution in their own area, or provide positive assistance to local governments in conflict and fragile areas, which includes pre-and post-conflict situations, but also areas that have experienced peace for decades. The prize is awarded to a local government as an institution, not to individuals. There may well be cases where local governments work together on a peace initiative, and in such cases the prize could be awarded to them jointly. This may for example include cooperation between a conflict-hit local government and its external partner city. The Peace Prize is open to any subnational government that falls within UCLG’s own interpretation of the term “local government”. Broadly speaking, this means that a local government is a subnational government defined as such by its own country’s constitution or legislation. Any nominated initiative should have taken place at least partly within the 3 years prior to application.
  • Postulez-vous au nom d’un gouvernement local ou sous national?
  • Votre gouvernement at-il contribué avec succès à la paix, résolution de conflit ou reconstruction post-conflit dans votre région ,ou a aidé un autre gouvernement?
  • Cette initiative a-t-elle eu lieu au cours des trois dernières années?